Tin Roof

Friday, September 24, 2010

Running through the mud of life

Anyone who has talked with me before knows that I have a real love of any off-road vehicle, especially Jeeps! I love looking at pictures of modified vehicles and watching videos of those vehicles conquer seemingly impossible obstacles! One of my favorites to watch are called "mud-boggers". These are trucks specifically designed to go through thick, gooey mud. One of the keys to safely navigating through this mud is building up speed and momentum, and not letting the mud bog you down.

I've noticed that sometimes in life we are faced with challenges or temptations, that if we let them, can act like sticky, gooey mud for us spiritually. If we don't have the momentum of staying close to the Lord we can get caught in the "mud bog". I've come to know those momentum-builders are easy things to do; simply reading your scriptures, and praying daily. Attending church and searching for the opportunities to make correct choices in our lives. If we try and start when the temptation or challenge comes... It's often too late. We have a much better chance of getting stuck by starting late than we would if we had built up the speed in preparation for the difficult times.

Sometimes even the best of mud-boggers get stuck in the mud. At that point a spotter who is riding in the vehicle has to jump out and find someplace for the vehicle to attach a winch to. Then the vehicle can be pulled out with the help of a metal cable attached to a secure point safely out of the mud. We have spotters in life, who are willing to jump into that metaphorical mud to help us make it safely to the other side when we might get stuck. But accepting their help is sometimes a difficult or humbling experience. We may have to make changes and accept their advice about how to get out of the bog.

One person has already made it possible to get through no matter what. Jesus Christ's sacrifice makes it possible for us to not only make it to the other side of the bog, but also to have all the mud washed off us so that we become clean once more. As we repent, and rely on His sacrifice... And also accept the help of people in this life who care about us and want to help us... I know that we can push past every challenge that besets us. All the mud can be washed away, and all of our challenges or temptations can be overcome.

Isaiah 1:18- "... Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool."

For original image Click here


  1. Love the metaphor - the momentum we gain by staying close to the Lord, the "mud bog" of sin, the spotters who can help us when we get stuck,Jesus Christ's atonement that helps us wash clean. That's exactly it.
